Artur Mül­ler and Sons


Fully auto­ma­tic machine for tip­ping shoelaces with Ultra­so­nic and cold- or laser cut­ting

Per­for­mance up to:
1200 Shoelaces / hour

Shoelace length:
0.20 m - 1.40 m
Other lengths on request

1000 kg

Cold- or laser cut­ting

3 years war­ranty

Glo­bal dis­tri­bu­tion

Pro­duc­tion pro­cess

The AM-ULTRA con­den­ses the syn­the­tic cords in a mould, heats them ultra­so­nic in a frac­tion of a second and forms them as they cool down. Thus, the tip beco­mes nearly indes­truc­ti­ble, even after fre­quently washing at 90°C, no chan­ges are noti­ceable. The shoelace is pul­led and cut to length iden­ti­cally to the pro­cess used in our stan­dard machine, AM 75.

Dabei wird der Schnür­sen­kel wie bei unse­rer Stan­dard­ma­schine AM 75 gezo­gen und abge­längt.

Cut­ting the cords

The AM-ULTRA can cut the hot-fused ends of the Shoelaces by laser or cold cut­ting. Cut­ting with laser melts even the smal­lest threads at the end of the cut­ting edge.


The touch­screen allows for user-fri­endly adjus­t­ment of all essen­tial set­tings, such as cord length, pro­duc­tion speed and the ultra­so­nic para­me­ters: Mel­ting time, energy and coo­ling time.