Artur Mül­ler and Sons


Access­ories and spare parts

Extend the capa­bi­li­ties of your machine with dif­fe­rent Die-Boxes and more.

You can request spare parts for your machi­nes even after deca­des of use.

Con­su­ma­ble sup­plies

Our sup­plies are tes­ted for pro­ces­sing in our machi­nes. Our ace­tate film, lustring agent, and metal bands pro­vide a com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion with cer­ti­fied com­pon­ents.

Anschlagkopf Metall

Access­ories and spare parts

Extend the capa­bi­li­ties of your machine with dif­fe­rent Die-Boxes and more.

You can also request spare parts for your machine, even after deca­des of use.


Con­su­ma­ble sup­plies

Our sup­plies are tes­ted for pro­ces­sing in our machi­nes. Our ace­tate film, lustring agent, and metal bands pro­vide a com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion with cer­ti­fied com­pon­ents.