Artur Mül­ler and Sons

AM 75 /
AM 80

Fully auto­ma­tic machine for tip­ping shoelaces with Ace­tate-Film, Metal and by heat.

6000 Shoelaces / hour

Shoelace length:
AM 75: 0.36 m – 2.40 m
AM 80: 0.36 m – 3.60 m

AM 75: 1100 kg
AM 80: 1350 kg

Qua­li­tät “made in Ger­many”

3 years war­ranty

Glo­bal dis­tri­bu­tion

Pro­duct Spec­trum

The AM 75/80 is the flag­ship model of Artur Mül­ler & Sons. It can pro­duce round and flat shoelaces from various mate­ri­als such as cot­ton, poly­es­ter, poly­amide, etc. They can be tip­ped with film, prin­ted film, and metal. Fur­ther­more, T-cords for paper car­rier bags can be pro­du­ced.
The AM 75 and 80 stand out with their out­stan­ding per­for­mance of up to 6000 shoelaces per hour. The dif­fe­rence bet­ween the machi­nes AM 75 and AM 80 is the maxi­mum length of laces:
The dif­fe­rence bet­ween the machi­nes AM 75 and AM 80 is the maxi­mum length of laces:

AM 75: 240 cm
AM 80: 360 cm


Hig­hest qua­lity

The machine is made of the hig­hest qua­lity. Powered by a cen­tral gear motor, all essen­tial cycle move­ments are exe­cu­ted through mecha­ni­cal gears. This enables the high pro­duc­tion out­put of up to 6000 shoelaces per hour. The AM 75 machine is based on a wel­ded frame and weighs 1100 KG. The rigid frame gives the AM 75 a robust smooth ope­ra­tion. Like all our tip­ping machi­nes, the AM 75 comes with a 3-year war­ranty.

Inter­ch­an­geable Die-Boxes

The tip­ping of shoelaces is done by dies, which wrap the ace­tate-film around the shoelace, com­press ever­y­thing under high pres­sure, and cut. Depen­ding on the thic­k­ness of the shoelace, dif­fe­rent sizes of dies are nee­ded.

In our machine, the com­plete die-box with the dies inside can be chan­ged. This is not only a signi­fi­cant time and cost advan­tage but also greatly redu­ces the wear of the die.

Our die-boxes and dies are iden­ti­cal with those of the com­pany ARTOS and can con­se­quently be inter­ch­an­ged.