Artur Mül­ler and Sons

AM 72

Fully auto­ma­tic machine for tip­ping shoelaces and ela­s­tic pull­cords by heat

approx. 1.500 shoelaces / hour

Shoelace length:
0.10 m - unli­mi­ted

400 kg

Sepe­ra­tion method:
cold cut­ting

3 years war­ranty

Glo­bal dis­tri­bu­tion

Tip­ping by heat

The AM 72 tips the shoelaces by heat. The cord is pul­led into the machine and pla­ced at the length con­fi­gu­red on the tough­screen. Then, it is hot-fused under pres­sure and cut after a cool-down time.

Die-Box for tip­ping by heat

The AM 72 machine also fea­tures inter­ch­an­geable Die-Boxes. Depen­ding on the thic­k­ness of the cord, dif­fe­rent die sizes are nee­ded. Howe­ver, there is a much grea­ter tole­rance when tip­ping by heat com­pared to tip­ping with film.


The touch­screen allows for user-fri­endly adjus­t­ment of all essen­tial set­tings. These include, bes­i­des the shoelace length and speed, par­ti­cu­larly the hot-fusing tem­pe­ra­ture and the mel­ting time. The machine enables very pre­cise adjus­t­ment of both para­me­ters.