Artur Mül­ler and Sons


Fully auto­ma­tic machine for lustring, waxing and hydro­pho­bing shoelaces.

up to 40 m / hour

1000 kg

Qua­li­tät “made in Ger­many”

3 years war­ranty

Glo­bal dis­tri­bu­tion

Pro­duc­tion pro­cess

The machine fully auto­ma­ti­cally pulls the cords through a spe­cial dye bath into the machine. Within the machine, the cords are brushed smooth, and the sur­face is fixed by heat. At the end, the cords leave the machine slightly stiff, with a smooth and glossy sur­face. The inten­sity of the lustring can be adjus­ted through the ten­sion of the cords, the type of dye bath used and the through­put speed.

We recom­mend our lustring agent LM 10. Using our machine AM-LÜ in com­bi­na­tion with LM 10, the cords are opti­mally coa­ted.


Our machi­nes work with brushes in the form of half-shells. They can easily and quickly be remo­ved from the machine for clea­ning or repla­cing them. This is important, for exam­ple, when swit­ching from black to white cords.