Artur Mül­ler and Sons

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Semi-auto­ma­tic machine for pack­a­ging pairs of shoelaces

320 Pairs / hour

Shoelace length:
0.40 m - 1.80 m

800 kg

Qua­li­tät “made in Ger­many”

3 years war­ranty

Glo­bal dis­tri­bu­tion

2-row and 4-row-win­ding

The AM-ET can wind shoelace pairs in eit­her 2 or 4 rows. This applies to both round and flat shoelaces. The size of the wound package is deter­mi­ned by the volume of the shoelace pair. In its stan­dard con­fi­gu­ra­tion, the AM-ET offers a maxi­mum package size of 40 x 55 x 140 mm (WxHxL).

Pro­duc­tion pro­cess

The machine fea­tures a shoelace fee­der, where the shoelace pairs are pla­ced into the clamp by an ope­ra­tor. The machine fully auto­ma­ti­cally retrie­ves the pair from the clamp, winds it, and packa­ges it with paper. The paper is auto­ma­ti­cally glued.

We offer various opti­ons:

  • With a bar­code prin­ter and sto­rage for more than 60 finis­hed pro­ducts
  • With a con­veyor chain fea­turing up to 40 clamps for inser­ting the shoelace pairs

Digi­tal con­trols

The touch­screen allows for user-fri­endly adjus­t­ment of all essen­tial set­tings, for exam­ple the rota­ti­ons of the win­ding head. Addi­tio­nally, all move­ments can be manu­ally exe­cu­ted during setup.