Artur Mül­ler and Sons

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Access­ories and spare parts

Extend the capa­bi­li­ties of your AMS-machine or pro­long its life­span with ori­gi­nal spare parts.

Not all spare parts are lis­ted here, please cont­act us if you need other parts.


Anschlagkopf für Folienbenadelung

Die-Box for ace­tate-film

The inter­ch­an­geable Die-Box for ace­tate-film repres­ents the hig­hest qua­lity and effi­ci­ency in tip­ping all shoelace mate­ri­als with ace­tate-film. All Die-Boxes are com­pa­ti­ble with AM 71, AM 74, AM 75, AM 80 and Artos models.

Die-Box for tipping by heat

Die-Box for tip­ping by heat

This Die-Box tips syn­the­tic shoelaces only by heat, wit­hout film. Com­pa­ti­bi­lity as with the Die-Box for ace­tate-film.


Die-Box for tip­ping with metal

Tip­ping with metal band is pos­si­ble using our spe­ci­ally opti­mi­sed Die-Box. Tip­ping can be done with or wit­hout per­fo­ra­ting the metal band. Com­pa­ti­bi­lity as with the Die-Box for ace­tate film.

Film trans­ports

Folientransport für einfarbige Folie

Film trans­port for ace­tate-film or metal band

The stan­dard film trans­port is available for ace­tate film or metal band and for dif­fe­rent film dimen­si­ons.


Film trans­port for T-film

A spe­cial trans­port is nee­ded for tip­ping with T-film.

The T-film trans­port can be adjus­ted for all “steps” from 10 mm to 19 mm. In the stan­dard ver­sion, the T-film trans­port is deli­vered for a film width of 42 mm.

Film transport for printed film

Film trans­port for prin­ted film

We offer a spe­cial film trans­port for tip­ping with prin­ted film that con­sis­t­ently posi­ti­ons the print at the desi­red loca­tion on the shoelace.

Other spare parts

Thread Guide

Thread Guide

The thread guide is essen­tial for pre­cis­ely fee­ding the shoelace to the Die-Box in almost every Artur Mül­ler & Sons machine.

Acetone pump

Ace­tone pump

Our mecha­ni­cal ace­tone pumps pro­vide the shoelaces with an adjus­ta­ble amount of ace­tone at the tip­ping point. The pumps are com­pa­ti­ble with the machi­nes AM 71, AM 74, AM 75 and AM 80.


Coll­ec­tion tray

The rede­si­gned coll­ec­tion trays offer impro­ved sta­bi­lity and are com­pa­ti­ble with all AM 75 and AM 80 models.

Matrize für Benadelung

Dies with block and knife

Dies for tip­ping with film and tip­ping with metal band with our wit­hout per­fo­ra­ti­ons. For use in the AM 71, AM 74, AM 75 and AM 80 machi­nes.

Vorholer für Schuhriemen


The recup­er­a­tor offers maxi­mum func­tion­a­lity for pro­ces­sing shoelace bands from spools. The recup­er­a­tor can be used inde­pendently wit­hout fur­ther cou­pling to the tip­ping machine. For machi­nes built after 2021, an elec­tri­cal cou­pling for opti­mi­zed per­for­mance is pos­si­ble.


Film guide

For pro­ces­sing dif­fe­rent film widths on the AM 74, AM 75, and AM 80 machi­nes, only dif­fe­rent film gui­des are neces­sary. The same applies to need­ling with metal band.