Artur Mül­ler and Sons

Logo Deutsch

Con­su­ma­ble sup­plies

Use our tes­ted con­su­ma­ble sup­plies for your Artur Mül­ler & Sons machi­nes. Our high-qua­lity ace­tate film is free from phtha­la­tes and have mini­mal allo­wan­ces. Moreo­ver, you can use metal band on many of our machi­nes.

Acetatfolie transparent

Ace­tate film (trans­pa­rent)

Our ace­tate film meets the hig­hest qua­lity stan­dards. It has mini­mal allo­wan­ces in both thic­k­ness and width. Our ace­tate film is free from phtha­la­tes.

Acetatfolie farbig

Ace­tate film (colourful)

We deli­ver ace­tate film in dif­fe­rent colours and cor­re­spon­ding dimen­si­ons. The film is nearly opaque, ensu­ring that the colour of the shoelace does not shine through.

Bedruckte Folie

Ace­tate film (prin­ted)

We offer our cus­to­mers a spe­cial ser­vice: the ace­tate film can be prin­ted with your let­te­ring or logo in any dimen­si­ons.



The T-film, for Exam­ple, is nee­ded to pro­duce T-laces for paper car­rier bags.


Metal band

You can also tip with metal band made of alu­mi­nium, steel or brass on our tip­ping machi­nes.

Lustring agent LM-10

Lustring agent LM-10

Use our offi­cial lustring agent, tes­ted and cer­ti­fied for our lustring machi­nes.