Artur Mül­ler and Sons

Artur Mül­ler and Sons

Tex­tile machi­nes with hig­hest effi­ci­ency since 1949

Artur Mül­ler and Sons deve­lops inno­va­tive machi­nes for pro­du­cing shoelaces. For over 75 years, we have been manu­fac­tu­ring machi­nes of the best qua­lity, hig­hest per­for­mance, and lon­gest dura­bi­lity. All our machi­nes are deve­lo­ped, manu­fac­tu­red, tes­ted, and ship­ped from Wup­per­tal in Ger­many. World­wide, shoelaces of the hig­hest qua­lity are manu­fac­tu­red using our machi­nes.

Hig­hest per­for­mance

The per­for­mance of our machi­nes sets glo­bal stan­dards. For exam­ple, the AM 75/80 can tip up to 6000 shoelaces per hour.

Best qua­lity

Tip­ping shoelaces requi­res high pre­cis­ion. Our machi­nes pro­duce for you in the best qua­lity.

Long dura­bi­lity

The dura­bi­lity of our machi­nes is unmat­ched. Many cus­to­mers have been pro­du­cing with machi­nes from Artur Mül­ler & Sons for over 75 years.

Qua­lity with family tra­di­tion

The Machi­nes from Artur Mül­ler & Sons are glo­bally lea­ding in qua­lity, per­for­mance, and dura­bi­lity. We have been pur­suing these goals for over 75 years, now in our third gene­ra­tion. Our engi­neers and mecha­nics con­ti­nuously expand our port­fo­lio with new, inno­va­tive machi­nes and ser­vices. As a result, the team has grown to around 15 employees over the years.

Glo­bal dis­tri­bu­tion, glo­bal ship­ping

Today, shoelaces are pro­du­ced in over 100 count­ries using our machi­nes. To ensure the high qua­lity of our machi­nes, we offer world­wide ser­vices. We per­form main­ten­ance, repairs, trai­ning, and upgrades for older models on-site at your loca­tion. Learn more on our ser­vices page.