Artur Mül­ler and Sons

AM 76

Fully auto­ma­tic machine for tip­ping syn­the­tic and espe­ci­ally very ela­s­tic cords by heat

Up to 1000 pie­ces / hour

Cord length:
10 cm - unli­mi­ted

400 kg

Qua­li­tät “made in Ger­many”

3 years war­ranty

Glo­bal dis­tri­bu­tion

Pro­duct Spec­trum

The AM 76 was deve­lo­ped spe­ci­ally for tip­ping syn­the­tic cords by heat. Par­ti­cu­larly, very ela­s­tic cords can be cut to length with mini­mal allo­wan­ces and hot-fused by the AM 76. The regu­la­ted fee­ding con­cept of the AM 76 detects and com­pen­sa­tes for slip- and ten­sile elon­ga­tion, even in ela­s­tic bands. Round syn­the­tic cords as well as flat cords can be pro­ces­sed. The machine is used in the shoe and clot­hing indus­try as well as in medi­cal tech­no­logy.

Hig­hest qua­lity

The machine is made of the hig­hest qua­lity. A spe­ci­ally deve­lo­ped fee­ding con­trol allows for infi­ni­tely long cords with the same low length allo­wance as short cords. The hot-fusing die-box of the AM 76 has four indi­vi­du­ally adjus­ta­ble hea­ting zones, ensu­ring that the cord ends are hot-fused at a con­stant tem­pe­ra­ture. The machine is ship­ped with a user-fri­endly housing which enables safe and effi­ci­ent ope­ra­tion. Like all our tip­ping machi­nes, the AM 76 comes with a 3 year war­ranty.

Inter­ch­an­geable Die-Boxes

Tip­ping by heat is done with die-boxes that are matched to the desi­red cord size and mate­rial being pro­ces­sed. The dies of the AM 76 can be exch­an­ged inside the hot-fusing die-box. Alter­na­tively, the entire die-box can be chan­ged. By using mul­ti­ple pre­pared hot-fusing die-boxes with dif­fe­rent die-sizes, the set-up time can be signi­fi­cantly redu­ced when chan­ging cord types.