Artur Mül­ler and Sons

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AM 71

Semi-auto­ma­tic machine for tip­ping shoelaces with ace­tate-film, metal and by heat

approx. 1400 Shoelaces / hour

Shoelace length:
0.10 m - unli­mi­ted

400 kg

Qua­li­tät “Made in Ger­many”

3 years war­ranty

Glo­bal dis­tri­bu­tion

Maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­lity

The machine offers maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­lity, as all shoelaces can be pro­du­ced from a mini­mum length of 10 cm, with the maxi­mum length being unli­mi­ted. Moreo­ver, dif­fe­rent sizes of shoelaces can be tip­ped due to the spe­cial shape of the die. This makes the AM 71 par­ti­cu­larly sui­ted for small quan­ti­ties and pro­to­ty­pes.

Our semi-auto­ma­tic shoelace tip­ping machine AM 71 ope­ra­tes with the same tip­ping sys­tem as our fully auto­ma­tic machi­nes.

Three types of dies can be used on this machine: Tip­ping with acid-film, metal (with and wit­hout per­fo­ra­ti­ons) as well as hot-fusing syn­the­tic cords only by heat.